Reach Out Nanjing Through Poetry
Dec 19, 2023
Nanjing World Poetry Day Celebration

In response to the invitation from Granada City of Literature World Poetry Day Initiative, Nanjing Literature Centre organized featured events to celebrate the World Poetry Day.
Reach Out Nanjing Through Poetry, held in Xuanwu Lake Park, was an event for visually-impaired teenagers organized in partership with Nanjing City Libraries and Nanjing School For Visually-Impaired. With the helping hands of the volunteers, the students who suffer visual impairment climbed up the historical city wall built in Ming Dynasty, and laid their fingers on the ancient bricks, on which the names of the brick-makers’ were engraved.

Walking through the blossoming cherry trees, breathing the enchanting fragrant, while feeling the falling petals; the group arrived at the Xuan Garden by the lake. They sit on the grass in a circle, and started reading aloud the poems that features Nanjing City Wall, Cherry Blossoms, Xuanwu Lake, Willow trees, etc. The lines and tones formed a picturesque vision, which the student might not be able to see, but they can feel it, by the vibrancy of the words, and the charm of the rhymes. That is the power of poetry, the power of literature.