Launch Ceremony of Reshaping Cultural Policies: Promoting Creativity for Development (Chinese Edition, 2018 Global Report)
Apr 16, 2018

On April 16, 2018, the launch ceremony of the Reshaping Cultural Policies: Promoting Creativity for Development Report (Chinese edition, 2018 Global Report) was held at the Headquarters of UNESCO in Paris. The ceremony was co-sponsored by UNESCO and the National Commission of the People's Republic of China for UNESCO with involvement from the Nanjing Literature Center and Nanjing International Cultural Exchange Association.

Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, strongly supported the release of the report’s Chinese edition. The launch ceremony was hosted by Ian Denison - Chief of Publishing and Branding Department, UNESCO. Getachew Engida - Deputy Director-General of UNESCO; Jyoti Hosagrahar - Director of the Division for Creativity, Culture Sector, UNESCO; Shen Yang - Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of the People's Republic of China for UNESCO; Peng Zhengang - Director of the Nanjing Municipal Government Information Office; and Frida Gustafsson - Permanent Delegate of Sweden for UNESCO all attended the ceremony and gave keynote addresses. During the ceremony, Deputy Director- General Engida spoke highly of the vitality and strong capacity of Nanjing's publishing industry and expressed his gratitude for Nanjing's support of UNESCO's work. Ambassador Shen agreed that Nanjing had, through its actions, offered a satisfying interpretation of UNESCO's principles of cultural diversity and sustainable development, providing an excellent example of encouraging cultural exchange between China and other countries.
The attendees of the ceremony included over ten heads of Permanent Delegations to UNESCO from France, Republic of Korea, Libya, Iran, Egypt and other states.